

Fast and accurate price tracking for Amazon users or dedicated power-sellers


10 Votes

Camelcamelcamel is an incredibly useful program for anyone who extensively uses Amazon for personal or commercial purposes. It is free to use and tracks Amazon prices, making it easy to determine the best time to buy or sell a product. Once you register for the site, you can select products and then get alerts when the prices on those products rise or fall. 

This program can be great for multiple uses. Since it is free, it can be great on a personal level. If there is a product that you really want but are also willing to time the market right, you can wait until there is a price drop, then make your purchase. However, for many who use Amazon on a professional level, you can use it to determine the best time to make a sale or purchase an item. If you manage a purchasing department, you can also use Camelcamelcamel in order to find the best time to make a purchase and save your business money. 

The alert feature is unquestionably one of the most useful features, as you can get an Email or website alert when a price drops, or when it drops below a certain dollar threshold or percent. This can make making an important purchase a breeze.

The program also comes with access to price charts and historical data. This ensures that you can use see how a price has moved over an extended period of time.

Camelcamelcamel also comes with a browser extension, making the program even easier to use.

Many users praised the usability of the program, noting that it was easy to sign up for, download, and then search when looking for pricing. However, one of the biggest problems with the website is its extremely cluttered interface. As soon as the website loads, you see its content - along with three advertisements. This is extremely distracting and frustrating to deal with.

Its pricing calculations are not perfect, as it doesn't take into account shipping costs, potentially misguiding users into making a purchase when a better option was actually available. As such, users have to keep an eye on shipping costs manually, and this obviously limits the usability of Camelcamelcamel. The program is also missing other important and potentially useful features, like the ability to easily share or export data. 


  • Free to use
  • Gives you access to historical data of price rises and falls, so you can see how a price has moved over time
  • Has exceptionally useful alert features
  • Can be used across multiple country's and languages


  • Advertisements detract from the website and its usability
  • Shipping costs - and other seller fees - may not be included in the final price
Cosmic Shovel, Inc.
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Oakland, CA
Year Founded
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